What's Important In Life

2008 March 22

Created by Corrina 16 years ago
Well tommorrow is a double wammy for me, not only is it Easter but it also makes 10 months. I am so tired of my "new" normal life, I can't imagine doing this for years to come. Today I took Dustin his Easter basket and a stuffed bunny as I turned to leave it just hit me. No longer will I be putting together a basket full of goodies for him, now it has to be creatively placed in plastic items to protect the animals and no more hiding the basket.Nope I now set my sons basket in the snow at his grave and walk away. What kind of mother does that? I will never again see the smile on his face when he finds his prize. My new life sucks and I'm finding my patience for people wearing thin. I am so tired of them telling me about what they "THINK" is important like a new car,lots of clothes and money. Rob and I have always known that family comes first, and it hurts that these people keep neglecting their family for stupid reasons.I have been hurt by several people since Dustin's accident because I thought they would "be there" for me and help me with this after all they know that my children are my word but they have turned their back on me because they find chasing the all mighty dollar more important than this situation.Yes I do realize that most people have figured out how to "move " on but they could of at least been there for my family.Why hasent this shown them what is really important in life.I cannot even bring myself to talk to them because I know that with my anger issue it will not go good. I just hope they learn it before its to late....but I doubt it because if the loss of such a great child couldnt teach them it... I don't think anything will. So to all those people i say... GET A CLUE AND START SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!