It Hurts, It Hurts So Bad!!!!

2008 February 28

Created by Corrina 16 years ago
I'm not sure what caused them today but the images of that night come rushing back. I can see it all so clearly it's as if I'm living it over again. I can hear Rob's scream in my head and see the look on his face. I can feel my mouth on Dustin's trying to breath life back into him, I can feel myself kneeling on the cold hospital floor begging GOD to save my son as they work on him.I can even taste the vomit in my mouth as they tell me hes gone.Oh GOD why do I have to continue to relive this, havent I suffered enough?I guess not because the images just don't stop.I try hard to replace those images with "happier" ones but I can't seem to do it.I find myself holding his pictures tracing the outline of his beautiful face just trying to make sure it so so deep in my memory that I will never forget it. I place his shirts in my arms,close my eyes and try to remember what he felt like in my arms but I can't.The pain has completly taken over my body,and the ache in my arms for him is undescrible. I need my son so much.I have been robbed of so much.I am aware at this moment just how much I have lost. I will never hold my baby again, I will never see his smile,hear his voice I will never see him graduate, I will never get the "mother/son" dance at his wedding I will never see the joy in his eyes when he has a child I will never know the man he was to become every part of my life has been destroyed,holidays there will ALWAYS be someone missing, Robyn's achievements will always have mixed emotions(happy for her,sad Dustin will not have the chance) for the rest of my life I will always long for the child I had snatched from me..So tell do I go on when every part of me hurts and I know their is no end to it in sight. Please GOD, answer this 1 prayer...give me back my child