Two Years!!!!!!

2009 May 23

Created by Corrina 15 years ago
Two years ago my world changed, In that hospital bed you lie, and the doctor shook his head and said, you have to say goodbye. Two years since I bent down, and begged “Dustin, please don't go”, my heart broke as my legs gave way, all I could yell was “No”. Two years since your Dad laid you gently in my arms, so I could hold you one last time, two years since pleading with the dr.’s to be wrong, and praying to GOD to change his mind , Two years since Dad and I held each other tight, and asked “How will we get through?”, two years since that long drive home, not comprehending never seeing you. Two years since we walked into the house, headed silently to your room, your things scattered just as you'd left them, your pillow still smelling of you. Two years since facing everyone, telling Robyn was the hardest of all, she shook her head and moaned OH No, as she stared blankly down the hall. Two years since I kissed your face, and carefully spiked your hair, as I knelt down beside you, and whispered “I love you Bubba” gently in your ear Two years since talking tees and holey jeans, were left through out the house, two years since scrubbing football pants, and receiving flowers from behind your back. Two years since looking into your big blue eyes, As I tucked you lovingly into bed, Two years since I held your hand tight, As we walked down the street ahead Two years since being on a “date” With my one and only son, Two years since asking you, To please get your homework done. Two years without wrestling figures piled a mile high, Or dirty socks thrown here and there Two years of constantly wondering, why? All along knowing “you weren’t suppose to die” Two years of hiding heartbreak, painting smiles on everyday, two years of people shaking their heads, not knowing what to say. They tell me “to get over it”, I need to “let go of you” They just don’t understand, That’s something a mother can not do. They look at me in disbelief, As I visit you each and every day, They say my life must go on, Forgetting that part of me is gone. I'm trying hard to make you proud, doing whatever it takes to get through, but I know today I'll drop my guard, Oh God Dustin, How I miss you!!