Let me Set Something Straight!

2008 June 28

Created by Corrina 15 years ago
A friend from a child loss message board started this topic and I added my outlook to the way I feel about some of the rudest comments made to those of us who have lost a child. Everyone seems obsessed with wanting me to heal and to "move on". There will never be healing from the loss of my son, until God calls me home. I've wanted to address this for a while but didn't know how, until now. I have a friend who lost her son 12 years ago and she still has days where she wants to break down and she does. I have other friends who've lost their child 20+ years ago and they still break down. Losing a child is not something that will HEAL or you GET OVER! I will never heal, I will never be the same. However over time they say it will become more bearable. So please don't pray for my healing, because it won't happen. Instead pray that the days will become more bearable for me, and that the days that aren't I have comfort. Pray that on my bad days God sends an angel to wipe my face and bring me a kiss from my son. Don't tell me.. 'I hope this will help you on your way to healing' because it won't. Don't tell me 'I'm praying God will heal you' because the only way God could do that is to erase my son from my mind and he would NEVER do such a thing. God also was a bereaved parent. He KNOWS how I'm feeling, and he knows this is something that only me going to heaven will 'heal' and he's ok with that. God also understands my anger, I am sure Mary felt the same way when she lost her son so please don’t tell me that my anger will prevent me from going to heaven. The thought of being reunited with Dustin in heaven is what keeps me going on these bad days. I know that sounds weird to some people. No one likes to think that Christian's can walk around feeling that a part of them is missing,but it happens,God accepts that and he mourns with me.There is NO time limit on God's mourning so don't put a time limit on my. God will not be angry that I am a Christian who at 16 or 40 years down the line cries for my son.God won't be sitting there thinking 'Buck up! Think happy thoughts! You should be over it by now!' MOVE ON! Please just consider what I've said, maybe it will give you a little bit better understanding of me. God accepts me and my feelings, so why cant you? Think of what I am going through like a scar. My heart will scar over and the pain will become bearable, but the evidence of the wound will STILL be there, and scars do hurt from time to time. .