An Angel's Touch

2008 September 22

Created by Corrina 15 years ago
Last night I was awoken by a cold hand grabbing mine.I instantly yelled for Bubba, but he was nowhere to be seen.I laid there for the longest time so upset at myself for scaring him away.I don't understand how I can feel him so close one minute and the next he's so far away.. Last week while doing a puzzle his smell filled the room.I quickly looked up and called out to him but just like always he wasn't there. I told Rob about it and he just smiled, because it happened to him that day too.The funny thing is, it's not his cologne or deodorant we smell but his head.It's hard to explain it but we just knew . I have had a rough week and it seems like everything makes it worse. I miss him so much I don't know what else to feel but this horrible ache that consumes me. I just need to see him,hug him,kiss him, hold him.I need him