The Idiots Keep Coming!!!

2008 May 05

Created by Corrina 16 years ago
I thought I heard it all until last week when I had a chat with my uncle. I thought of all the people I know he would understand like no other and would be my "safe" place to fall since he also lost a child, but was I wrong. I have only seen him a couple of time since the accident so when he started his lecture i was dumbfounded.The chat started with him asking how I was, to that I said...I'm here, I guess that was wrong because he proceeded to tell me that I choose to be this way and he could "fix" me in 20 min. all I had to do was look to GOD... I stared at him for a moment and then said...yeah I don't think so, again wrong words he then went on to ask if I really thought Dustin was better off with me than GOD. UMMMM YES I DO I'm his mother!!!, again wrong answer for him cause he than said that Bubba was better off with GOD and that he was never really nime to begin with and I need to start concertrating on Robyn because GOD could just reach down and take her to get my attention like he did with Dusty. I sat there crying and he didn't even care. How can a parent of a child that passed say that to another? I couldn't believe my ears. The man I looked up to all these years was a JERK. I will not worship a GOD that "takes" children just to get the parents attention. How could anyone? The thought of him taking Robyn has been a daily thought since the accident I didn't need him to point it out to me... Why do ppl. have to be so cruel? I wish I could get a shirt that says.... I will never be over my son's passing so keep youre stupid comments and thoughts to yourself, and as far as GOD goes..... DON'T GO THERE. So thanks to my uncle I now have the need to ask everybody if God takes children to get parents attention and wonder if thats what happened with Dusty.... Damn I hate this new life!!!!