The Big Fat Nose!

2007 November 27

Created by Corrina 16 years ago
This has to be 1 of my favorite memories.Dustin was about 3 years old and we were at the Credit Union. Rob was standing in line with Dusty in his arms when he noticed the man behind them. Bubba said " Dad, look at that guys big fat nose!" Rob of course said "Dustin that's not nice" but Dustin couldn't let it go he kept going on and on " But he has a big fat nose, why does he NEED such a big fat nose LOOK it really is a big fat nose". Rob was steady telling him to "Look away and to not say that because it was not nice to say and to Let it Go" but Dustin was just saying what was on everyone's mind and was loud about it too.Like all little boys he had something to say and would not stop until everyone heard what it was. The tellers were smiling and trying not to laugh and mom.......well I was laughing so hard I was in tears.When we got outside I thought I should explain why he should not say that but instead all I could do was laugh.Rob so nicely said that until I could forget about the funny part of the BIG FAT NOSE I should not discuss it with Dustin.To this day I never have discussed it with him and why it was wrong to say.