I Got To Fart!

2008 August 10

Created by Corrina 16 years ago
I was watching home videos the other day when I came across this and I knew I had to share it because it shows Dustin's sense of humor.Bubba was about 6 in this The video starts out with me asking Dustin to tell everybody what happened....Why he says....because...I hit my head(mom zooms in a big egg on his forehead) on what?...in the bathroom..on? the toilet! Did it hurt?...yes....you ok? NO!!! .....why?... because I have to FART,Dustin laughs hysterically then leans up so his face is full screen,smiles,raises his eyebrows a few times and says....peek a boo... Oh how I miss the way he could turn anything into something to laugh about
