Julia Dobbs 23rd May 2010

Hi Dustin it's me Julia just stopping by to say you are still remembered and always will be forever in our hearts. You truly were heavensent and meant a lot to everyone you met. I love and miss you everyday you truly were a great friend to me and always made me feel special. i remember my first day in kennedy you came and talked to me and made me feel welcomed. Today it's 3 hard years since you were taken form us and when you left you took a piece of everyone you knew. I hope you keep that piece of my heart with you like I keep yours with mine you were and are my best friend. Take care. all my love, Julia Corrina,Rob,and Robyn: I know this day is unbearably hard and not many people understand the loss of someone that means so much to you. Well I can relate to the emptiness his death has left. I truy understand how hard it can be at times. I want you to know my heart and prayers go out to you on this hard day. Just keep the faith,and take care of eachother. It's the best you can do. I hope the wounds that are burdened on your hearts and souls heal with time. yours truly, Julia Dobbs Here is a poem I wrote about how the loss of mine feels I hope this poem shows you that I truly understand your pain I wrote this poem for my mother whom I was taken from May 28th 2009 in a drug bust I now live with my grandmother while my mother sits in prison facing a lot of time i know it's not the same but it is a loss and i know how much it hurts to not have the one you want and need the most: "Unseen Reality" my pillow shivers from the tears, As I lay upon it with my mind ridden with fears. I can't seem to bring myself to express or even identify what is wrong, All I know is it's just this neverending song. What is causing this I just don't know, I don't know where these feelings are coming from or when they'll go. I lay here as teardrops run down my puffy cheeks, I make my way to the bathroom and the floor creaks. I look in the mirror and look back at myself, Thinking what did I do to deserve to deal with this hell. No one can help me for I'm to far gone, I just don't know how it came to be so wrong. Inside my head I hear awful screams, Then i come to and realize it's me. My heart it aches my body it shakes, My mind it races and reaches for the brakes. My pain it wrenches and rips my heart, This how I have felt since our part.