sreed003 24th May 2008

On the anniversary of Dustin's death I hope that he was in everyones thoughts. I know he was mine. If you did not get a chance to visit him yesterday, please do so this holiday weekend. I went to see him yesterday and it was hard as hell but it was something that needed to be done. I sat there for a half an hour and talked to him. The more I talked the more I cried. I never had the chance to say goodbye to him as I was on my to Niagara Falls the day my mom came to the door and told me that Corrina had been trying to get a hold of me due to the fact that Dustin had a terrible accident and he was no longer with us. I immediately went to see Rob,Corrina and Robyn and held off leaving until that evening. But it was very selfish of me not to stay for his funeral. One of my close friends had just lost her son and where was I, out having fun. Not to mention I watch that little boy grow up right before my eyes and I can remember when Corrina told me that Dustin considered me his girlfriend. That is a memory I will always cherish. I miss you Bubba!!!! Sharon